With instructor(s) Elizabeth Alleva
From IS 234, Brooklyn
Grade Level Secondary (6-12)
Seventh grade dance students created pieces of group choreography. Based on a choreography rubric generated by the class, students provided peer feedback on ways to improve the given choreography. The choreographic groups then worked to synthesize the new information into improved dance pieces, which were subsequently shown to the class.
Does peer feedback in dance improve students’ achievement in how to revise their group choreography?
Peer feedback with a choreographic rubric.
Action Plan
Revising Choreography: Peer Assessment
Action Plan |
Revising Choreography: Peer Assessment
Process Video
Revising Choreography: Peer Assessment
Process Video |
Revising Choreography: Peer Assessment
How To’s & Tips
Revising Choreography: Peer Assessment
How To’s & Tips |
Revising Choreography: Peer Assessment
Revising Choreography: Peer Assessment
Reflection |
Revising Choreography: Peer Assessment