With instructor(s) Kalitchi Figueroa
From PS 48, Manhattan
Grade Level Elementary (K-5)
My Playwriting-Tragedy Assessment Research Project involved emerging playwrights from a 3rd grade Collaborative Team Teaching (CTT) in learning the basic techniques for writing a scene with a tragic ending. My students self-assessed and revised their scenes using a checklist and a reflection protocol. I also used the same documents to both formatively and summatively assess their work.
Does self-assessment improve student’s skills in playwriting when creating scenes with tragic endings?
Self-assessment – checklists and feedback protocol
Action Plan
Playwriting -Tragedy: Self-Assessment
Action Plan |
Playwriting -Tragedy: Self-Assessment
How To’s & Tips
Playwriting -Tragedy: Self-Assessment
How To’s & Tips |
Playwriting -Tragedy: Self-Assessment
Student Work
Playwriting -Tragedy: Self-Assessment
Student Work |
Playwriting -Tragedy: Self-Assessment