Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment

With instructor(s) Ken Hughes
From PS 69, Queens
Grade Level Elementary (K-5)

  • Synopsis

    Over the course of four years I have been able to promote an effective classroom musical culture using peer and self-assessment as students take control of their learning. We developed a set of checklists, rubrics and protocols for students singing and playing in the classroom together. Students have become more critical and active listeners as they assess performances and writing.

  • Inquiry

    Will a checklist and rubric improve students’ abilities to sing and play a wide variety of exercises based on repertoire?

  • Strategy

    Peer & Self-assessment through checklists and rubrics.


Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment


Synopsis |

Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment

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Action Plan

Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment


Action Plan |

Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment

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Process Video

Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment


Process Video |

Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment


Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment


Reflection |

Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment

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Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment


Checklists |

Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment

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Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment


Rubrics |

Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment

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Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment


Protocols |

Kodaly: Peer & Self-assessment

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