Like students working in a formative assessment process, teachers implement formative assessment in their classrooms, document, reflect upon, share the results, plan improvements, and make revisions.
Fauvist Portrait Painting: Self & Peer Assessment
With Emily Maddy and Jason Rondinelli, Brooklyn IS 233-
“It was amazing to see the artistic process that my students go through in such a clear & documented way.”
–Emily Maddy, Visual Arts Instructor
This unit spanned around 4 months, and was carried out in two phases, focusing on one group of 7th grade advanced student artists. Our goal was to develop and implement visual assessment tools to support student independence in assessing, revising and reflecting on their self-portrait paintings. Students learned the language of critique and how to give effective feedback using graphic organizers. We utilized peer and self-assessment using graphic organizers based on group-generated criteria checklists and visual rubrics.